Plant planting seed and trees icon



We amplify your impact.

Most approaches to impact fall short - addressing chronic, complex problems with acute, simple solutions.

At impact.c3 our differentiated value is in our experience and ability to understand the complexities that underpin entrenched societal problems and to creatively deploy capital to amplify the impact of clients.

Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes






Empathy Icon
Lightbulb Creative Icon
Plant planting seed and trees icon




About the Founder & CEO

impact.c3 Founder & CEO, Holly Copeland, has served as a trusted confident and advisor for principals of high net worth and in the highest levels of government and business for more than two decades.

Driven by curiosity and empathy, Holly possesses an innate ability to deeply understand a vision, develop systems and processes to support the deployment of that vision, execute with accuracy and accountability; all while adhering to a strong ethical code and with discretion.

Holly has created several internationally award winning programs, executive produced an emmy award winning short form video, built acclaimed community events in partnership with the Chicago Cubs & Bulls and launched a global innovation prize with MIT. She has also co-founded the 3.8 Project and published a childrenā€˜s book with her daughters about a teacup pig stepping into her power.

In addtion to her varied professional experience, Holly has first hand personal experience living in poverty as a teen mom and successfully emerging from it. This lived experience is an invaluable input for helping to create systems of change. She understands the barriers that prevent systemic change and knows what interventions can actually lead to positive impact.

Holly will ensure that your vision is fully understood and executed upon.

Our Differentiation

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Tangled ravel of thread
Horizontal Arrow Pencil Line
Business woman icon
Sincerity vector icon
Store Building outline icon
NGO Line Icon
Family Icon


Creative Philanthropy

Customized Impact



Program Design & Execution


Individual | Family

Early to Midstage Businesses


Let's make the world better, together.

Globe Line Art


Chicago, Illinois